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Belgian Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group (BHNOCG)

Logo Belgian Head Neck Oncology Cooperative Group

Groupe FNRS
Tête et Cou
  vzw VWHHT
Vlaamse Werkgroep Hoofd-HalsTumoren
      VWHHT Logo
President Guy Andry   President Olivier Lenssen
Secretary Marc Hamoir   Vice-President Willem Lybaert
Treasurer Marc Hamoir   Secretary Joke De Ceulaer
Contact Guy Andry   Contact Joke De Ceulaer
Website ---   Website  VWHHT
Address     Address vzw VWHHT,
Corneel Heymanslaan 10,
9000 Gent
         Updated: 29/08/2023
Belgian Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group
  • Hits: 340