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European-specific Head And Neck Cancer survivorship recommendation

Recommendations Survivorship Care 618x343

We are delighted to announce that the first-ever European-specific Head And Neck Cancer survivorship recommendations have been published in Oral Oncology!
The publication is the result of a collaboration between the Make Sense campaign, the EHNS, and ECPC, and is an important milestone in the Campaign’s efforts to support HNC survivors.
The purpose of this revision was to address an important need for up-to-date guidelines specific to the current European landscape, and to outline best practices for the European HNC patient population.
This includes highlighting the essential need for head and neck cancer survivorship care to follow a multidisciplinary approach and strengthening the call to consider the need for strong psychosocial support for survivors.

Read the publication in Oral Oncology:

EHNS Survivorship Recommendations Press-Release

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