European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology (ECHNO)
The European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology is a biennial event organized by EHNS. The first Congress was held in 2001 in Lille.
The goals of the ECHNO are to promote the exchange of knowledge in all aspects of Head and Neck diseases and to promote the highest standards of research, education, training, disease prevention, and patient care.
This is an exceptional gathering for the experts in the field of Oncology to share their research work and acquiesce new emerging scientific discoveries in the Head and Neck areas.
The 2019-2023 years completely changed our regular policy of organizing scientific activities of the EHNS. During the pandemic, in 2021, we organized our regular conference – ECHNO in an online form, jointly with ESMO and ESTRO (ECHNO/ICHNO).
In 2022 year, instead of the ICHNO Congress in Barcelona, we organized the joint ICHNO-ECHNO congress in Brussels. Hopefully, those trying times are behind us, and in 2023 it is time to return to our normal scientific life and agenda.
We also help organize conferences related to Robotic Surgery and the contribution of AI
11th European Congress on Head and Neck OncologyChairman: René Leemans
10th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
8-10, mars, 2023 Lisbon - Portugal
Chairman: Ana Varqes Gomes -
The joint International Congress on Innovative Approaches in Head and Neck Oncology (ICHNO) and the European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology (ECHNO)
3-5, March 2022, Brussels
Chairmen: Pierre Blanchard, ESTRO - Wojciech Golusinski, EHNS - Sjoukje Oosting, ESMO -
The Joint European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology (ECHNO 9) and the International Congress on Innovative Approaches in Head and Neck Oncology (ICHNO)
30 Juen -3 July 2021 Virtual
Chairmen: Guy Andry & Fréderic. Duprez -
8th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
11-14, April, 2018 Rome, Italy
Chairman: Giuseppe Spriano
7th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
7-10, September 2016, Budapest, Hungary
Chairman: Şefik Hoşal -
6th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
24-26, April 2014, Liverpool UK
Chairman: James S. Brown -
5th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
18-21, April 2012 Poznań, Poland
Chairman: Wojciech Golusiński -
4th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
4-6, March, 2010 Athens, Greece
Chairman: Alexander D. Rapidis -
3rd European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
8-10, May, 2008 Zagreb - Croatia
Chairman: Miljenko Bura -
2nd European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology
16-18, October, 2003 Lille - France
Chairman: Jean Louis Lefebvre -
1st European Congress on Head and Neck OncologyChairman: Jean Louis Lefebvre